
Drop down boxes in word for mac
Drop down boxes in word for mac

drop down boxes in word for mac

Is the drop-down list being used to list previous user input? Unless users need to review the complete list of previous input, use a text box with the auto-complete option instead. Because the input is unconstrained, if users enter text that isn't valid you must handle the error with an error message.Ĭan you enumerate the most likely choices in advance? If not, use a text box instead. Combo boxes are for unconstrained input, in which users may need to enter a value not currently in the list. In addition to the principles just provided for drop-down lists, the following also apply:Īre the possible choices constrained? If so, use a normal drop-down list instead. Is screen space at a premium? If so, use a drop-down list because the screen space used is fixed and independent of the number of choices.Īre there other drop-down lists on the window? If so, consider using a drop-down list for consistency. Because drop-down lists are compact, they are good choices for options that you want to underemphasize. In this example, the highest color quality is the best choice for most users, so a drop-down list is a good choice to downplay the alternatives.ĭo you want to draw attention to the option? If so, consider radio buttons, a single-selection list, or an editable list box, which tend to draw more attention by taking more screen space. If not, consider radio buttons, a single-selection list, or an editable list box, which give more emphasis to the alternative choices. Is there a default option that is recommended for most users in most situations? Is seeing the selected option far more important than seeing the alternatives? Consider using a drop-down list if you don't want to encourage users to make changes by hiding the alternatives. By contrast, radio buttons are suitable only for a small number of program options. Does the list present data, rather than program options? Either way, a drop-down list or combo box is a suitable choice.Use drop-down lists and combo boxes for objects (nouns) or attributes (adjectives), but not commands (verbs). Are the options commands? If so, use a menu button or split button instead.To choose multiple options, use a standard multiple-selection list, check box list, list builder, or add/remove list instead. Is the control used to choose one option from a list of mutually exclusive values? If not, use another control.Guidelines related to layout are presented in a separate article. An editable list box is a combination of a standard list box and an editable text box.

drop down boxes in word for mac

An editable drop-down list is a combination of a drop-down list and an editable text box.A combo box is a combination of a standard list box or a drop-down list and an editable text box, thus allowing users to enter a value that isn't in the list.A drop-down list is a list in which the selected item is always visible, and the others are visible on demand by clicking a drop-down button.A standard list box is a box containing a list of multiple items, with multiple items visible.The following terms are important to understand as you read this article: With a standard drop-down list, users are limited to choices in the list, but with a combo box they can enter a choice that isn't in the list. Users can choose one and only one option. With a drop-down list or combo box, users make a choice among a list of mutually exclusive values. Much of the guidance still applies in principle, but the presentation and examples do not reflect our current design guidance.

This design guide was created for Windows 7 and has not been updated for newer versions of Windows.

Drop down boxes in word for mac